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The Program provided by our Dutch friends.

Dining with our hostess Frieda Hoffman and family
Your editor, Roy, left and Doug Dunlop enjoying lunch

Roy Parrett and Doug Dunlop enjoying Dutch repast.
Good food and good company every day!

Every house and every street flew the flags
Many bore signs "WELCOME CANADIANS!"

In June 2005, along with 1,900 other Canadian Veterans,their helpers, personell of the Canadian Forces, Canadian bands, and a platoon of the RCMP, invited by the WELCOME AGAIN VETERANS committee, attended the 60th Anniversary of the Liberation of Holland by the Canadian Army. When I arrived in Amsterdam an airline employee greeted me and summoned one of the W.A.V. guides who got me a car, and had me delivered to a host family in Holten, Teun and Frieda Holman. Here I met also Doug Dunlop of Peterborough, Ontario, also a guest of the Holmans. Our host looked after us very well, and guided us everywhere and saw that we got to the 200 busses which took veterans to the various activities, daily. The W.A.V. committe provided "Garry" van't Holt, as guide, who travelled with us dailynto the events and kept us from getting lost, each time 6,000 of us were moving around at the same time. Garry carried a telescopic "WELCOME AGAIN VETERANS- HOLTEN" sign which helped no end!

Our host family in Holten
Teun and Frieda Hofman, a friend, and Roy Parrett.

Many of the 1900 Canadian veterans, and their helpers, bands, members of the Canadian Forces, and a platoon of scarlet- coated Mounties had arrived the previous day, but I arrived Royal Dutch Airlines from Seattle- the only vet on board. But, the friendly Dutch were expecting me. I had my passport ready, but he said, with a smile, "You didn't need a passport the last time you came, and you don't need one now." And a KLM official was waiting for me as I stepped off of the plane, to call up a "Welcome Again Veterans" guide for me.

Every building, every house and every street was decorated with bunting, Canadian flags and banners saying :"WELCOME AGAIN VETERANS".

Our host family, Teun and Frieda Hofman and daughter Dian, and young son Thorsen, are in Holten, not far from Nijmegen, and they billeted your host, Roy Parrett and Doug Dunlop. Every day there was a program by our committee- WELCOME AGAIN VETERANS. This photo of the hospitality was the normal during out visit- pleanty of good food, drink and friendly chat. Our gracious host, Teun is seated on our left.

Doug Dunlop , Roy Parrett and our host Teun Hofman
Every evening we dined out with the W.A.V. Committee.

Canadian cemetery at Holten
Fourteen hundred Canadians lie here.

Each New Year's Day, Dutch school children place flowers on the Canadian graves. While we were attending the Liberation Ceremonies, a group of Canadian veterans was asked to attend a school and address the children. They gathered up some of the Canadian flag lapel pins and presented one to each child.

A closer view of the Canadian Cemetery in Holten
We added the flowers today.

After being welcomed by our hosts and the Welcome Again Committee, we visited the Canadian War Cemetaries at Groesbeek and Holten, and attended march pasts in Nijmegen and Appeldoorn. And we visited Bussum Bridgehead, a realistic training ground for the Dutch army, with bombedout building, slit trenches, first aid posts, where soldiers in full World War 11 equipment added a realistic touch. At the reception there we were treated to a wartime "ENSA" show with "George Fornby," the "Andrew Sisters," and other nostalgic melodies.

More Ceremony views:

My Holland friends have an interesting Website- CLICK-

Other military happenings listed here:

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