(I'll try to be truthful!)- I'm 88 now, in good health in Victoria, British Columbia, living in my own house. And I have
some International students, who are attending university- with me, which brightens my days. Son Vern and daughter are in
Victoria too, not far from me. I belong to a local amateur radio club which has breakfasts and luncheons several times a year
and refurbish bicycles which are free to International Students.
This is Luan from Beijing |

A visiting scholar at Uvic for a year. |
I was born in Winnipeg in 1917, and lived in Brandon, where I went to school, including Brandon Collegiate. While still in
school, I joined a local reserve artillery battery, took gunnery and signals schools and attended annual firing camps at Camp
Hughes and Shilo. After graduation, I worked for Continental Auto Supply, wholesale, in Brandon, Calgary, Edmonton and Lethbridge.
When World War 11 came along I served in the Brandon army recruiting office in the local armouries, then in artillery units
in Canada, England and Northwest Europe, ending up in Germany near Wilhelmshaven- the big naval base. Returning to Canada,
I left the army in Vancouver, and settled in Victoria.

Taking a break from work
What a job!- I'm RETIRED! Mostly I spend time on the computers- I have several, adding to our Web Pages, the Family Tree.
copying Old Family photos. And I recycle bicycles, which I get from friends and neigbors, spruce up like new, sometimes, and
give, free, to International Students at UVIC or Camousan College here.
I have a Canadian and an American Pilot's licence, and still manage to pass the physicals each time they come up.