Elsie and Will Parrett & George and Mable Parrett |

Probably Elsie and Will's Wedding photo in 1913. |
Aunt Elsie Brooks came from Salisbury to marry uncle Will Parrett, they later farmed at Khedive, Sask. but Will died there
in 1917. A son, Kenneth, was born on the farm, moved to Brandon with his mother in the 1930s, then to British Columbia, where
he was fatally injured in a logging mill accident just before WW11.
George and Mabel Parrett with their first-born George Jr. at the farm near Pilot Mound, Manitoba, here dressed up for the
photo. After five years of crops being rusted, frozen in the fields or eaten by grasshoppers, they raised a bumper crop- they
thought! As they gazed at the waving grain a dark cloud appeared, grew, and pelted the grain flat with hail. It was the end
of farming for them- they moved to the city- Winnipeg in 1917. But the war came, father enlisted in the Service Corps at Valcartier,
Quebec, slated for overseas. Regulations forbade any more dependents heading to England, but mother wangled a permit and travelled
there with Roy in arms and sister Mabel at two. But George didn't proceed overseas as the war was winding down, so Mabel visited
her family, in Dorset, until returning to Winnipeg on a "Bride's Ship" in 1919.
Family Photo Album
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