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It's so nice to go traveling...especially on the Bridge over the River Kwai, in Thailand, a site made famous by the movie of the same name.

This is not the wooden bridge, built by British POWs, featured in the movie, but a new railroad bridge, although the pilings of the original one can be seen alongside.


Nearby also, the graves of the British POWs- prisoners of the Japanese- who built the railroad during World War 11.

It was on the river that I met three Singapore friends, on one of the famous Longboats, often seen on television travelogues.


These friends and I were in the middle of the bridge when a train approached. It was a military train which doesn't slow down for anybody. Most tourists fled, but we huddled in a signal alcove- four of us- with little room to spare!

Audrey, breathing a sigh of relief!



A closeup of the railway bridge with two RAF bombs of the type which brought down the original- notwithstanding the movie version.


And relaxing over lunch. And planning our next escapade! Fortunatly my next stop happened to be Singapare and more outings there. Later, when home in British Columbia, the phone rang, "Were in LA and coming to see you!" And they did- several times! It all started on the Bridge over the River Kwai!

Season's greetings friends- for Christmas- and for 2007!

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